Euro Rates

Fees per night, taxes included.
Rooms check out at 13:00 hours.
Estimated rate of exchange:
$1.00 USD = $17.40 mexican pesos.
$1.00 EURO = $18.00 mexican pesos.
Current rates.
Note: The exchange rate might vary.

rates with breakfast included
persons 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds king size bed
1 person 61.67     68.89
2 persons 76.67 85   85
3 persons   107.78 118.89 99.44
4 persons   126.67 135  
5 persons     153.33  

rates without breakfast
personas 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds king size bed
1 person 53.89     61.11
2 persons 61.11 69.44   69.44
3 persons   84.44 95.56 76.11
4 persons   95.56 103.89  
5 persons     114.44  

Cars 12.22
Trucks 18.33

We accept all credit and debit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express) and payment in cash, transfer and bank deposit.

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